Contact Information




#214 – 1676 Martin Drive
White Rock BC
V4A 6E7

Open 6 days a week. (Closed Sundays)

Call or email to book your appointment today!


“Oh Tonda, how nice to hear from you. It’s like we never even smoked. Will be smoke free this coming October for two years for both Stephen and I. Best thing we ever did. I recommended my friend Amin and his wife to Imagine Laserworks before Christmas and they are both doing fabulous. Do pass on our deepest gratitude to your Husband as well.” 

Lori S

“Dear Tonda

As I was a smoker for almost 40 years and had been diagnosed with C.O.P.D I was finally ready to listen to my Doctor and quit smoking. With my daughter’s help, we started to do a little research on ways to quit.

My daughter found Imagine Laser Works on line and did some inquires. I phoned and made an appointment
for two weeks later.

After a one hour visit I can now say that I am a non-smoker.

It has now been almost 22 weeks and I am still smoke free, do not use my puffers anymore and am sleeping better at night.

Thank you Tonda and Staff.”

Carey M.

“Hello Tonda,

I am VERY HAPPY to inform you, I am SMOKE FREE!!!!!!!!!! June 8th, 2015 it will be 2 years. Once I left your clinic I never smoked again.

I can’t thank you enough, you changed my life!!! I am so grateful for the gift you gave me!!! I am proud of myself also for sticking with it and not letting myself fall back into old habits.

I tell every smoker I come across how easy it was with Laserworks and a few have even visited you, and are also successful!!!! You guys are my HERO’S!!!!!!!!!!! Please don’t be offended but I hope I never see you again!!!!!! LOL !!!!”

Thanks again”


“2 years and still going “smoke free”
Tonda and Darrell helped with any perceptions or stigma I had about Laserworks treatment. 30 mins later hey presto.
I wished I had done it years ago…
My non smoking wife also appreciates that I was able to quit.” 


“Hi Tonda and Dr. Chin!

This is Lori and Stephen writing to you to thank you so very much. I have tried everything from patches to e-cigarette’s to Champix (3 times). We heard about the laser therapy and tried it. We literally left the office non-smokers. We have had zero cravings, zero anxiety, it seems like it’s not even part of my way of thinking it’s been that easy. I will say that the only side effect I have personally experienced is insomnia which apparently can happen with the nicotine and toxins leaving the body. I discussed with my doctor and he gave me something to get over the hump. I would rather have a tablet to get me to sleep that put one more cigarette to my mouth.

I would love my testimonials to go on the website if possible”


1 Year update from Lori…

“Well, I’ve been dying to write this e-mail to you Tonda. That’s right, on Thursday it will be a year that Stephen and I used your services to quit smoking and honestly we have never looked back. Had we know it was going to be this easy we would have done it years ago. I have personally had been smoking since I was 12 and never ever thought I would become a nonsmoker.

Again, Stephen and I cannot thank you and your husband enough.

Truly smoke free, Lori”


Although our head office is in Canada, we are opening centres globally; including right here in Memphis. We are positioned as a world leader in E-Stim wellness solutions and provide a variety of service options. Our programs assist clients in taking control of their health and wellness goals.

Imagine Laserworks programs and techniques assist our clients with a wide array of circumstances and conditions; these include but are not limited to; smoking cessation, substance use disorders, weight management, menopausal symptom control, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), mental acuity and memory issues, as well as anxiety and depression, amongst others.

The technology we use is safe, non-invasive and meets all the appropriate health regulations. We are careful to take guidance from the appropriate governing health organizations, such as the FDA and/or Health Canada. The devices we use either calm or stimulate trigger points in the body, depending on what is required for your needs. The result is that our protocols interact with the body’s nervous system and help guide it through the process of self-healing.

Key points of differentiation for Imagine Laserworks include the fact we do not use needles, drugs or any other form of invasive technology and we leverage the knowledge gained from over 30 locations. Additionally, there are no known negative side effects from our services. Individual protocols do vary in duration, but initial sessions typically require less than an hour, with follow-ups less than a 1/2 hour. Initial results are typically evident the same day.

In order to monitor progress, track success rates, and continually improve our techniques, we use a proprietary, custom designed software platform. The result is the Imagine Laserworks CID client services analytics application.

Each of our locations is independently owned and operated by Imagine Laserworks trained and certified professional team members.

Sonja Redding is your local Memphis owner / team lead – you are in excellent hands!